Waiting for the Other Shoe: Anticipatory Grief in Young Adults-10:15 to 11:15 am
Presenter: Kiri Meyer, MS, LPC, NCC
Waiting for the Other Shoe: Anticipatory Grief in Young Adults
Grief starts at the diagnosis: Grief over having to choose living life or tending to the dying. Grief
over a shattered worldview of what we thought we knew. Aspects of anticipatory grief can pile
up and pull us in so many different ways throughout our daily lives.
Join us as we dive into the idea of anticipatory grief as a form of disenfranchised grief in our
society, and the effects it can have on helping to shape young adults. This often underserved
population is faced with a variety of challenges on how they learn to live and cope throughout
their journey with anticipatory grief and beyond. We can help them create a full experience,
while waiting for the other shoe.
Learning Objectives
1. Identify key societal issues for young adults experiencing anticipatory grief.
2. Examine the challenges individuals may be faced with when in the midst of their
anticipatory grief journey.
3. Construct a variety of outlets to help create a supportive experience for these individuals.