Profile Creation or Update

  1. From the top Menu Bar, click My Account.
  2. From there, click the Edit tab, then the Profile tab.
  3. Complete required field and click Save.

Mobile Phone Update
Your mobile phone must be registered in order to claim credit for all RSS and other types of sessions.

  1. From the top Menu Bar, click My Account.
  2. From there, click the Edit tab, then the Mobile tab.
  3. Enter your Mobile Phone Number (10 digits with no spaces).
  4. Click Confirm NumberDo not exit this page.
  5. You will receive a confirmation code via your mobile phone; enter the code on the site.
  6. Click Confirm Number.
  7. Click Save.

Find a Course

  1. From the top Menu Bar, click Courses
  2. Scroll through the available courses, or put in a keyword search

Certificate Printing
Certificates are stored in the CME Learning Platform for future reference. In order for your name to appear on the certificates, you must complete your profile.

  1. From the top Menu Bar, click My Account.
  2. Click the My Activities tab, then Completed Activities (for Grand Rounds/Case Conferences, M&Ms etc. click on Session Credit).
  3. Select the appropriate certificate and click Download.
  4. The certificate will appear at the bottom of the screen, where you can view or save it.
    Note: if you'd prefer a list of all completed activities, click the Download PDF icon on the Completed Activities tab.


For any additional questions, please email [email protected].