Katie Jardina Respiratory Therapist Clinical Area Manager Electromed, Inc. 500 Sixth Avenue NW New Prague, MN 56071 Cell: 814-961-4350 Fax: 866-758-5077 Chris Tupy CSL: 952-758-0833
| Electromed is a medical device company committed to designing, manufacturing and marketing airway clearance technologies that help people around the world breathe better, stay healthier, and lead active and fulfilling lives. Launching our first FDA cleared high frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) system in 2000, Electromed has devoted itself to a customer-first approach, providing unrivaled support to individuals with chronic impaired airway clearance, who use the SmartVest® Airway Clearance System. The SmartVest system delivers rapidly repeating pulses of air that squeeze and release the upper body. These gentle, yet powerful “mini coughs” loosen, thin, and propel mucus towards major airways in the lungs, where it can be more readily expectorated. Along with a commitment to excellence and compassionate service, Electromed is focused on the mission of making life’s important moments possible — one breath at a time.® For additional information, visit smartvest.com or call 800-462-1045.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/smartvestairwayclearancesystem LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/electromedinc YouTube Company Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7011r-iras