Disenfranchised Grief in Health Care: Providing a Critical Care Perspective”- 1:30 to 2:30 pm


Andrea Lurier, PhD, CT (pronouns: her, she, hers)

Manager, Highmark Caring Place


Janet Arida, PhD, RN, LCSW, CT



Terri Bowling


Healthcare professionals face many challenges caring for the critically ill.  These challenges over time may impact the health care professional leading to compassion fatigue and possibly burn out of the health care professional.  Many health care professionals especially in critical care struggle with disenfranchised grief.   Many times disenfranchised goes unrecognized and unsupported.  This lecture will provide a prospective of a critical care professional on the impact of compassion fatigue, staff burnout and disenfranchised grief.  As disenfranchised grief becomes better recognized, some hospitals are learning how to better support staff.  This lecture will provide how one critical care unit is better supporting their staff during traumatic situations and staff grief.

Learning Objectives

  1. Participants will have a better understanding of burnout, compassion fatigue and disenfranchised grief at the conclusion of the lecture.
  2. Discussion of patient care scenarios in critical care to allow for a better understanding of disenfranchised grief in the health care professional.  Participants will be give examples to help recognize disenfranchised grief to better support themselves and others.
  3. Participants will be included in a discussion on ways to better support hospital staff and their disenfranchised grief.


Course summary
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