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To add or delete an individual to Group A or B, contact [email protected]
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 974 9338 2645
Passcode: 156960
Phone: +1 646 558 8656
Submission to Jude Punturi - Deadline for this conference is Mondays 3pm prior to conference.
Evaluation dates are as follows: Mar 8, Jun 14, Sep 13 and Dec 13
Thank you
Session date:
05/03/2023 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm EDT
Zoom or AHNCI Collaboration Room, Level 1
314 E. North Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA
United States
See map: Google Maps
Add to calendar:
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 Attendance